By Ester Siegel
Shalom Bait team member
From time to time you have to do
a pause
contemplate yourself
without the daily relish
examine the past
item by item
stage by stage
tile by tile
and not cry the lies
but to sing the truths.
* by Mario Benedetti
Rosh Hashanah (head of the year), is the celebration of the Jewish New Year. According to Jewish tradition, it occurs after a month of introspection, of self-analysis of what has been done in the period that is closing, and of reflection on what will be done the year that opens. A kind of balance of the past and planning for the year to come. It requires time with yourself, necessary, but difficult to practice in the daily routine of demands and duties.
How do we remember that we need that pause? How can we stop the automatic operation of this race of “doing” “more and more” and “now” that we feel is imposed on us by the reality in which we live?
We need to give ourselves a space and time for reflection, in privacy. But everyday life leads us to procrastinate and procrastinate. And women know a lot about self-postponement ...
One of the precepts of this festival is listening to the shofar (ram's horn), which when sounded emits a very loud sound, which makes you shudder. Its objective is to help us wake up from the lethargy of routine, to remind us that it is time to listen to our interior, our needs and desires. A kind of alarm that helps you meditate, do an examination of conscience and choose the way forward. Furthermore, the term shofar in Hebrew has the same root as the verb "Leshaper" which means to improve, change, renew.
We can conclude then that it is a call that, after reflection and thought, we move on to action, to change. This process is not only individual but also collective.
Hoping that this new year will continue to find us online in the goal of a life without violence, to continue fighting for fairer laws, judges and health agents more committed to gender rights, and a society that respects equality. of rights and opportunities for all its members, shaná tová!
By Ester Siegel
Shalom Bait team member
From time to time you have to do
a pause
contemplate yourself
without the daily relish
examine the past
item by item
stage by stage
tile by tile
and not cry the lies
but to sing the truths.
* by Mario Benedetti
Rosh Hashanah (head of the year), is the celebration of the Jewish New Year. According to Jewish tradition, it occurs after a month of introspection, of self-analysis of what has been done in the period that is closing, and of reflection on what will be done the year that opens. A kind of balance of the past and planning for the year to come. It requires time with yourself, necessary, but difficult to practice in the daily routine of demands and duties.
How do we remember that we need that pause? How can we stop the automatic operation of this race of “doing” “more and more” and “now” that we feel is imposed on us by the reality in which we live?
We need to give ourselves a space and time for reflection, in privacy. But everyday life leads us to procrastinate and procrastinate. And women know a lot about self-postponement ...
One of the precepts of this festival is listening to the shofar (ram's horn), which when sounded emits a very loud sound, which makes you shudder. Its objective is to help us wake up from the lethargy of routine, to remind us that it is time to listen to our interior, our needs and desires. A kind of alarm that helps you meditate, do an examination of conscience and choose the way forward. Furthermore, the term shofar in Hebrew has the same root as the verb "Leshaper" which means to improve, change, renew.
We can conclude then that it is a call that, after reflection and thought, we move on to action, to change. This process is not only individual but also collective.
Hoping that this new year will continue to find us online in the goal of a life without violence, to continue fighting for fairer laws, judges and health agents more committed to gender rights, and a society that respects equality. of rights and opportunities for all its members, shaná tová!
(011) 4701 5890
+54 9 11 4940-7973
Monday from 13.00 to 19.00
from Tuesday to Thursday from 9.00 to 19.00 hs.
Bonpland 723, CABA, Argentina.
Advice, guidance, information and support for women victims of violence.
Attention and orientation to victims of violence. It carries out home interventions with a mobile team in emergency situations and accompaniment in making complaints.
102 - CABA
Information and referrals in situations of mistreatment and sexual abuse of Girls, Boys and Adolescents.
Receive complaints of domestic violence 24 hours a day.
Address: Lavalle 1250.
(011) 4701 5890
+54 9 11 4940-7973
Monday from 13.00 to 19.00
from Tuesday to Thursday from 9.00 to 19.00 hs.
Bonpland 723, CABA, Argentina.
Advice, guidance, information and support for women victims of violence.
Attention and orientation to victims of violence. It carries out home interventions with a mobile team in emergency situations and accompaniment in making complaints.
102 - CABA
Information and referrals in situations of mistreatment and sexual abuse of Girls, Boys and Adolescents.
Receive complaints of domestic violence 24 hours a day.
Address: Lavalle 1250.